CPA NewStart
The New Start program was specifically designed for firms that have claims or other regulatory issues and need a new “fresh start.”
We can also honor prior retro date with claim cap via endorsement for prior years.
The NewStart Program is written via surplus lines through an insurance company rated “A” Excellent by AM Best. The program is a four-year program based on the first year being retro inception.
Program Attributes
- Limits offered $2mm/$2mm CEOL only and higher limits would be CEIL only
- * (Excess limits available to $5mm)
- Deductible options $5,000 to $100,000
- Minimum premium $5,000
- Coverage for Disciplinary/Regulatory $25,000
- Subpoena Coverage $25,000
- Broad definition of Professional Services
- Optional Cyber Coverage Available
- Risk Management audit only required for claims. All other scenarios require proper documentation and narrative as part of the application process.
Program Appetite
- Firms with up to 50 CPAs
- Revenues up to $50mm
- Firms domiciled in the United States
Program Special Feature
In year four of the New Start Program, firms have the ability to earn prior acts coverage back by endorsement to the New Start Policy, matching the firms previously purchased ERP policy.
First-year Risk Management Report* that can aide the firm in future premium reductions.
*This is an additional one-time cost